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45-60 minute weekly or biweekly sessions

In individual therapy you will receive direct, one-on-one support using an empathetic and evidence-based approach that empowers you to overcome obstacles, build your capacity, reflect + process life circumstances, reframe old patterns of thinking, develop + strengthen skills, and understand the body + nervous system so that you can better cope.


Some of the common methods I use in my practice include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Solution-Focused Therapy, EMDR, somatic interventions, trauma-informed techniques, and general psychoeducation & Relational Therapy. As a trauma-trained therapist, I see much through the lens of the nervous system, and my overall emphasis is on treating the person holistically to create health, safety, & capacity, as trauma or prolonged stress often robs individuals of those things. Methods used are tailored to your individual needs + goals. I believe the individual relationship between the client and therapist is one of the, if not THE, most important factors in therapy, and I place a lot of value on building rapport & trust with my clients.


When appropriate for the client, I offer as-needed family or couples sessions as a supplement to individual therapy. However, I do not offer regular family or couples counseling as a stand-alone service and refer out if needed.

Psychologist Session


An 8-phase protocol completed in separate 45-60 minute individual sessions

EMDR is done in the context of individual therapy once a strong, trusting rapport is built between client and therapist. This service follows an 8-phase protocol, but can be completed over the course of however many sessions are needed. The length of the process will vary client to client, but 6-12 sessions is the average range. EMDR is for individuals who have experienced trauma and feel healing is needed beyond the scope of what traditional talk therapy can offer. EMDR is non-invasive and uses bilateral stimulations (movements that alternate from the left to right side of the body) to help adequately process the traumatic memory so that the client no longer feels stuck re-living the trauma. EMDR is thought to reprocess the memory so that it can be safely stored in the brain, resulting in a reduction of symptoms. There are several types of bilateral stimulations that can be used (eye movement, alternative sounds, tapping), but in my practice I utilize the technique of tapping.


90+ minute session with plan + follow up

Think of this as the mental health equivalent to an annual physical. With this service, we will have a one-time session when we discuss your current mental health and emotional wellness, as well as your goals related to wellness, and then use a holistic approach to make simple + practical recommendations for techniques, activities, or habits to include (or reduce) in order to improve your mental and emotional health; I can also help to connect you to appropriate referrals as needed if you're local. Topics discussed include but are not limited to the circadian rhythm, nourishment, movement, the nervous system, the metabolism, reducing toxins, and more.
Following our session, you will receive a customized plan that documents the recommendations + referrals, followed by a follow-up session about 6-8 weeks later.


This service includes the following:

  • the initial consultation session to discuss a detailed health & mental health history, concerns & symptoms, current lifestyle & habits, wellness goals, and any relevant education on holistic living

  • my time to review your results & develop your individual treatment plan

  • your written custom treatment plan & recommendations delivered to your inbox

  • access to discounted supplements through my dispensary

  • a follow up session 6-8 weeks later to discuss your experience and progress

  • OPTIONAL: an HTMA for an added cost 


This service is recommended for individuals who report overall stable mental health but are looking to maintain their health, improve self-care, strengthen boundaries, better understand mental health from a holistic standpoint, or consult on other minor mental health concerns. This is also a great service for individuals who have successfully completed therapy in the past but would benefit from an occasional check in or "tune up." This is not a replacement for individual therapy and is not recommended for individuals experiencing high-risk symptoms or behaviors, significant symptoms related to trauma, pervasive mental health struggles, overwhelming life changes, or acute symptoms.


This service is not covered by insurance, and can be offered to individuals who live locally or remotely, as it is not therapy. Clients can typically pay with HSA or FSA cards.

Image by Mad Fish Digital
Business Meeting


Tailored service for individuals, businesses + organizations

This service is for individuals, businesses or organizations interested in consulting with a mental health professional to better understand mental health or enhance their work environment or service. Examples include an individual with a loved one who just received a diagnosis, a school interested in learning more about how trauma + other mental health conditions present in students, a business interested in enhancing conflict resolution skills to improve office culture, or a police station looking to strengthen officers' ability to address mental illness in the community or recognize signs of human trafficking. This service is tailored to your business's or organization's specific needs. Contact me to learn more about the areas of expertise I offer consultations on. This service is not covered by insurance.


Minerals are referred to as the "spark plugs" of the body, and support your body's health & wellness at the cellular level. Mineral status plays a large role in nervous system regulation & overall health. Mineral imbalances are not uncommon today, as many foods that were once mineral-rich aren't any longer, much of the American diet contains anti-nutrient ingredients, and high-stress lifestyles burn through mineral stores. Additionally, various medications and supplements can dysregulate your mineral status -- Even if a supplement is great quality, if it's not what your body needs it can be useless at best & harmful at worst. And for many, these mineral deficiencies and/or imbalances manifest as various mental health symptoms & health conditions.


Some mineral levels can be assessed via blood work, but blood work only gives a snapshot of what's going on, as many minerals are primarily stored in the tissue (for example, low blood iron - often diagnosed as anemia - does not necessarily mean your iron is low, as iron is initially stored in the tissue and other minerals & nutrients are needed in order to let iron into the blood). Minerals work together synergetically, so even if levels are normal, ratios can be off, which blood work does not assess. An HTMA can fill in the gaps that blood work misses, and shows how the minerals in your body are working together (or not) to impact your health & mental health. When minerals are lacking or imbalanced, there is a trickle down effect, so supporting your mineral status is one of the most effective ways to enhance your mind & body's ability to handle stressors and support the systems of your body, like the nervous system & metabolism. An HTMA also assesses heavy metals status, and offers insight into your metabolic type & what that reflects about your current state of stress and your nervous system.


This service includes the following:

  • the cost of the test 

  • my time to review your results & develop your individual treatment plan

  • the follow up session to review those results & go over recommendations in detail

  • a copy of your test results and your custom treatment plan 

  • access to discounted supplements through my dispensary


To conduct an HTMA, you cut about 4 small, hidden sections of hair (it's not noticeable) to submit for testing at an independent lab I have partnered with, Trace Elements. Instructions are provided with the test. If you're local, I can assist you with the hair-gathering process in my office at no extra cost.


Why work with me to conduct this test? While various practitioners can administer an HTMA, many simply recite the automated recommendations sent back with the lab and provide generic supplement recommendations. I have taken additional courses to interpret HTMAs and spend time combing through your personal results & your history to develop an individualized plan that not all practitioners offer. 


If you choose to retest after several months, they are offered at a discounted rate. And children of HTMA clients can also be tested at a discounted rate (please note: the child HTMA service does not include the review session - it includes the test, my analysis, and written recommendations)


This service is not covered by insurance, and can be offered to individuals who live locally or remotely. Clients can typically pay with HSA or FSA cards.


Mineral Mask
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