I’m Erin Weme, LCSW, a licensed clinical social worker based in Sandpoint, ID. I have been a practicing therapist since 2011, when I graduated with my masters in social work from Boston College. Prior to graduating with my masters, I had worked with clients in a clinical capacity since 2008, leaving me with over 15 years of experience in the field of mental health. I am a trauma-trained therapist -- trained in providing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) and I am a CCTP (Certified Clinical Trauma Professional). In 2018, after a decade of clinical work, I decided to open a private practice: now known as Rooted Wellness Therapy, PLLC.
I was born + raised in Massachusetts and moved to Sandpoint in 2016 with my Sandpoint-native husband. I am passionate about addressing mental and emotional health from a holistic perspective, and helping clients - especially women - on their journey towards overall wellness. Throughout my years in practice I have developed a passion for trauma, depression, and maternal/women's mental health.
More recently I have enjoyed studying the mind + body from a holistic perspective, specifically the nervous system. Bringing this understanding into my work with clients who have experienced trauma and chronic stress has been invaluable to clients' healing. Life & how God has intelligently created us makes so much sense through the lens of the nervous system, and I love educating about this.
In 2023, after completing various courses, I also became a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) practitioner. This allows me to work with individuals to assess their mineral status, which can be a tool in determining their body's state of stress, their nervous system function, and how things are working at the cellular level. This information allows us to specifically target clients' unique mineral needs, which ultimately supports one's nervous system & mental health.